Anna Martens
Anna Martens
Anna Martens
The island of unloved toys
This work examines the natural way of falling, physically and mentally.
Losing and finding again together, holding on and letting go.
The exploration of this theme is strongly influenced by the pandemic in which many artists have "fallen" or feel that they have been dropped.
Falling as a metaphor of fragility or of courageous venturing into unknown states?
In a continuous search and fall, the dancers find a collective solitude.
November 19, 2021, Theater am Gleis Winterthur
-Tickets are available under Performance-
Dancers - Bianca Bauer, Alina Groder, Maureen Zollinger
Concept- Anna Martens
Costume Tara Filter
Video- Thomas Brekle
Music wishmountain
A big thank you to the Government of Bavaria for supporting this project with the scholarship program
<< Junge Kunst und Neue Wege>>.